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Shipping policy

Shipping policy section. Let your customers know your delivery methods, packaging options and prices. Use clear and simple language to build trust and build customer loyalty.


Second paragraph of your shipping policy section. Click here to add your own text. Click on “Edit Text” or double-click here to detail your policy and customize fonts. Explain your background here and present your activity to your visitors.

Exchange and refund policy


Exchange and refund policy. Inform your visitors of the conditions of exchange and refund of the articles which they buy on your site. Clearly state your conditions in order to establish a relationship of trust with your customers and allow them to buy on your site in complete safety.


Second paragraph of your exchange and refund policy section. Click here to add your own text. Click on “Edit Text” or double-click here to detail your policy and customize fonts. Explain your background here and present your activity to your visitors.

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